Yesterday at Fajr prayer in Bilal Masjid, the imam recited Surah Abasa (Chapter 80). In verses 24-27, Allah tells us to think about the food we eat:
"Let man look at his food, how We pour down rain in abundance, and meticulously split the earth open. Then We cause grain to grow out of it." (Qur'an 80:24-27)
These verses are a reminder for us to reflect on the food we rely on every day. We eat food daily, but how often do we ponder about it? Allah reminds us in the Qur'an to learn from everything around us, even something as simple as food. It’s amazing when we think about it, almost all our food comes from plants! Even if we only eat meat, the animals we consume survive on plants. And those plants start from tiny seeds.
A seed is so small and fragile, yet it can break through heavy soil if it has enough water and a good environment. A seed shows us that even the smallest effort, when supported and nurtured, can lead to big results with patience. So, just like a seed doesn’t worry about being small, we shouldn’t underestimate our potential.
The seed grows and pushes upward with strategy, finding its way even against the heavy weight of the soil above it. Similarly, some challenges in life may feel overwhelming, like the weight of the soil. However, with patience, careful planning, strategic effort, and persistence, we can overcome these challenges and succeed, no matter how difficult things may seem, insha Allah.
May Allah make it easy for all of us and help us succeed in this world and the next. Ameen. 🤲
Wallahu a’lam. And Allah knows best.